My brother and I have been writing thank-you cards to everyone who called, stopped by, helped out and attended Mama Roxy's funeral. As we were writing today, my brother pulled out a card from someone who will remain nameless - and the back this card looked a something like this (this is a re-creation, not the original card):
Now those who know me well know that I'm the most conservative person in my immediate family, so my first reaction was that I was agahst, appalled, and angry. My brother thought this was somewhat inappropriate too, so I'm assuming I'm not too off-base here. I'm trying to figure out what the message is - 'sorry for your loss' and '?!?!?!?' I'm not quite sure what to think, but I'd like to give just a small word of advice - when someone is going through a time of grief, stress, or loss, try to limit your message to something that's directly related to that, oh, and if you have to think twice about whether to write or . . . er . . . stamp something or not, don't do it!
What do you think - am I overreacting? Did I miss the memo in the "Miss Manners' Guide to Excruciatingly Correct Behavior- Freshly Updated"?
If anyone who might have sent this type of card happens to see this post, I apologize - but I am definitely more 'old' than 'new' school, and am trying to understand the message that something like this is meant to convey.
Im sorry you guys exeperinced this. All I can think of is that remember she knew many people with that very public job. Some of them I saw at the counter over the years were a little odd, but they loved your Mom.I guess I'm trying to say some people dont know better, but I want to think the good intention was there.Just my opinion. Dont rush yourselves with Thank You cards. You technically have a year .You guys just try to regroup.
Hey C- Thank you for the comment - I wasn't sure if I was off base or the sender. I don't think it was anyone from behind or in front the counter - I think it was a misguided friend of ours. I'm just glad to know I haven't gone off my rocker!
I didn't realize we had up to a year - and Mama would be mortified if we took that long. We had a little incident where no one ever received any thank-yous for a wedding some of us went to many years ago, and folks are still talking about that one. And like Mama I really believe it's important to thank people as you go along so that nothing is left unsaid.
Thank you Dear!
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